Answers to frequently asked questions about billing, coverage, claims and more

1.1: Billing: Payments, Due Dates and Fees 17 questions
After I’ve made a payment, can I stop the transaction?
  • Responsive may be able to stop the transaction.
  • Please contact our customer service representatives during normal business hours and we will try to assist you.
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Why did my premium change? / Why is my renewal premium higher?
  • Auto insurance rates may change based on a variety of factors.  These include where you garage your vehicle, who has access to drive the vehicle, your age, your driving experience, the type of vehicle you drive, as well as other factors.
  • Unlike other insurance companies, Responsive Auto does not rate based on your credit score or education level.
  • Sometimes changes in both market conditions and individual rating factors can contribute to a premium change.
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What is an Installment Fee? What is the amount of this fee?
  • Installment Fees are charged to cover the additional costs related to installment billing and processing of payments.
  • The charges are included in your payment schedule and are added to your policy balance at the time your bill is sent. Please note that these charges are not included in your overall total policy premium.
  • In Florida, we charge 1.5% of the unpaid balance, per installment.
  • If you have selected a one-payment plan, this fee does not apply.
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Can I change the Due Date of my bill?
  • No, customers are not able to change the Due Date for payments.
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When will I receive my bill?
  • You should receive your bill approximately 12 days in advance of your Due Date.
  • Responsive sends bills to customers, at the mailing address listed on the policy, approximately 15 days in advance of the Due Date.  Mail service typically requires no more than 3 days for delivery. The bill will include the Premium Due and Due Date.
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How many days do I have to make a late payment on a renewal bill?

[TBD – recently added question]

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How many days do I have to make a late payment before my policy cancels?
  • If you miss a payment Due Date, we offer a grace period which may provide the necessary time to make your payment and maintain coverage.
  • Responsive will accept late payments, without charging a Late Fee, for 5 calendar days after the Due Date.
  • At 12:01 a.m. on the 6thday after the Due Date, a Late Fee of $10 is added to the total Amount Due.
  • Responsive will then accept a payment of the total Amount Due on the 6ththrough 15thdays after the Due Date.  If payment is not received before 12:01 a.m. on the 16thday after the Due Date, the policy will canceled.
  • Once a policy is canceled, it cannot be reinstated.  If your policy has been canceled, please contact your agent to purchase a new policy.
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What happens if I don’t make my payment by the Due Date?
  • If you don’t make your payment on or before the Due Date, we offer a grace period which may provide the necessary time to make your payment and maintain coverage.
  • Responsive will accept late payments, without charging a Late Fee, for 5 calendar days after the Due Date.
  • At 12:01 a.m. on the 6th day after the Due Date, a Late Fee of $10 is added to the total Amount Due.
  • Responsive will then accept a payment of the total Amount Due on the 6ththrough 15thdays after the Due Date.  If payment is not received before 12:01 a.m. on the 16thday after the Due Date, the policy will canceled.
  • Once a policy is canceled, it cannot be reinstated.  If your policy has been canceled, please contact your agent to purchase a new policy.
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What happens if my check bounces for a down payment or an installment payment?
  • When a check bounces for a down payment or installment payment, Responsive will charge the customer with an NSF fee, also known as a “Non-sufficient Funds Fee.”
  • The fee is $15.00.
  • Please also note that we offer a grace period, which may provide the necessary time to make your payment and maintain coverage.
  • Responsive will accept late payments, without charging a Late Fee, for 5 calendar days after the Due Date.
  • At 12:01 a.m. on the 6thday after the Due Date, a Late Fee of $10 is added to the total Amount Due.
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If my policy cancelled, can it be reinstated?
  • Responsive does not reinstate cancelled policies.
  • However, we will offer qualified applicants the opportunity to purchase a new policy.
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Does my policy renew automatically?
  • Policies do not always renew automatically.
  • In some cases, if your policy information, vehicles, or driving history changes, Responsive may not renew your policy.
  • If your policy is set for renewal, you will be sent a renewal bill.
  • Your policy will renew when your renewal bill payment is successfully processed on or before the Due Date.
  • Please see your agent for more information.
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Will Responsive accept a payment that is less than the Amount Due?
  1. Responsive will not accept payment amounts that are less than the Amount Due.
  2. In Florida, insurance companies are not allowed to provide partial coverage for partial payment. Therefore, partial payments will not maintain active coverage for customers.
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Can I set up automatic payments to pay my monthly bills?
  • Yes! Responsive offers Automated Recurring Payments.
  • Installment payments can be set up using your bank account, credit card, or debit card.
  • Call your agent or Responsive to set up this simple, easy-to-maintain method of payment.
  • Please note that a small convenience fee is charged for each transaction.
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Why has my recent payment not been deducted from my bank account?
  • There are a few reasons why you might not see a payment deducted from your account.
  • Checking account payments can take up to 5 days to be processed and cleared.
  • Checking account payments could be rejected for Nonsufficient Funds.
  • For credit or debit cards, the bank that issued your card could have declined payment.  Please contact your card issuer to confirm that your transaction was approved.
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Can I make a payment with a prepaid debit card or credit card or gift card?
  • Prepaid cards or gift cards are not accepted.
  • Responsive currently accepts payments from certified funds, checking accounts, or major credit card and debit card accounts.
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Will Responsive accept payment from someone not listed on the policy?

Yes! Responsive will accept payment from someone who is not listed on the policy.

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1.2: Billing: Bills, Refunds and EFT 4 questions
Why did my premium change? / Why is my renewal premium higher?
  • Auto insurance rates may change based on a variety of factors.  These include where you garage your vehicle, who has access to drive the vehicle, your age, your driving experience, the type of vehicle you drive, as well as other factors.
  • Unlike other insurance companies, Responsive Auto does not rate based on your credit score or education level.
  • Sometimes changes in both market conditions and individual rating factors can contribute to a premium change.
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Why is my current monthly payment much higher than it was last month?
  • Auto insurance rates may change based on a variety of factors.  These include where you garage your vehicle, who has access to drive the vehicle, your age, your driving experience, the type of vehicle you drive, as well as other factors.
  • Unlike other insurance companies, Responsive Auto does not rate based on your credit score or education level.
  • Sometimes changes in both market conditions and individual rating factors can contribute to a premium change.
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What should I do if the mailing address on my bill is incorrect?
  • If the mailing address on your bill is incorrect, it is important to provide Responsive with the correct information as soon as possible.
  • This information is important because auto insurance rates are based on a variety of factors including your home address.
  • Failure to keep this information accurate may invalidate your policy and prevent you from accessing benefits in the event of a claim.
  • The best way to update your mailing address is to contact your agent and provide them with the information.
  • Alternatively, you may call Responsive Customer/Agent Service at (866) 300-0080, during normal business hours.
  • Lastly, please note that your mailing address should be the same as your home address.
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How do I see my account history?
  • The best way to see your account history is by contacting your agent. They will be happy to provide you with this information.
  • They will also be able to show you your billing history, payment history, your Amount Due, your Due Date and other important policy documents.
  • Alternatively, you may ask questions about your account history by calling Responsive Customer/Agent Service at (866) 300-0080, during normal business hours.
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2.1: Policies: Coverage, Docs and Changes 14 questions
How do I know what coverages I have on my policy?
  • Your policy coverages are summarized on your Declarations Page.  This document is commonly known as a “Dec Page.”
  • As soon as you purchase a policy from The Responsive Auto Insurance, you will receive your bound Application, Declarations Page and ID Cards from your agent. These documents will summarize what coverages, vehicles and drivers are listed on the policy.
  • When reviewing your information, if you notice any missing or incorrect information, please contact your agent immediately.
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What are my policy coverage limits?
  • Your policy limits are specified on your Declarations Page, within the Coverages section.  This document is commonly known as a “Dec Page.”
  • Policy limits vary between customers due to our numerous program options.
  • When reviewing your information, if you notice any missing or incorrect information, please contact your agent immediately.
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Does my policy provide coverage when I rent a car?
  • No your policy does not provide coverage when you rent a car.
  • A Responsive policy provides coverage only for the vehicle(s) listed on the policy.
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How do I reinstate my policy?
  • Responsive does not reinstate canceled policies.
  • However, we will offer qualified applicants the opportunity to purchase a new policy.
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How do I know who my agent is?
  • Your agent is the business name of the insurance agency that sold the policy to you.
  • Your agent’s name and address are specified on your Declarations Page.  This document is commonly known as a “Dec Page.”
  • When reviewing your information, if you notice any missing or incorrect information, please contact your agent immediately.
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I need an insurance ID Card.
  • There are numerous ways you can obtain an insurance ID Card from Responsive.
  • You can request an ID Card from agent or by calling our Agent/Customer Service department at (866) 300-0080.
  • We can provide a PDF file of your ID Card by Email or text message.  We can also send you a printed ID Card by mail.
  • When reviewing your ID Card information, if you notice any missing or incorrect information, please contact your agent immediately.v
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I need proof of coverage for my lien holder.
  • First, please keep in mind that we automatically send proof of coverage to the lien holder if you have your lien holder listed on your policy.
  • If you do not have your lien holder listed on your policy, in some cases your ID Card is sufficient as proof of insurance for your lien holder.
  • If your lien holder would like to see what limits you carry, you can obtain proof of coverage from your agent or by calling our Agent/Customer Service department at (866) 300-0080.
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How do I request an SR-22 or Certificate of Financial Responsibility?
  • If you, or a driver on your policy, need an SR-22 or Certificate of Financial Responsibility (CFR), please call Responsive Agent/Customer Service at (866) 300-0080.
  • Be sure to have the following information on hand when you call:
    • The driver’s name as it appears on the Driver’s License
    • The Driver’s License number or state identification number
    • The state requiring the SR-22/CFR to be filed
    • The SR-22/CFR case number, if available
    • The reason the state is requiring the SR-22/CFR
    • License suspension dates, if applicable
  • There may be a small, one-time fee for processing your SR-22/CFR, but we’ll review that with you when you call.
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Why don’t my insurance ID Cards show the names of all drivers listed on my policy?
  • Your insurance ID Card may not show the names of all drivers listed on your policy.
  • The purpose of insurance ID Cards is providing proof of coverage for a particular vehicle, not a particular driver.
  • Any person listed on your policy can use the ID Card, even if their name is not listed on the ID Card.
  • When reviewing your ID Card information, if you notice any missing or incorrect information, please contact your agent immediately.
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If someone has moved in or out of my house, do I need to inform Responsive?
  • Yes.  If someone has recently moved into or out of your house, it is important to provide Responsive with the correct household resident information as soon as possible.
  • This information is important because auto insurance rates are based on a variety of factors including who has access to drive the vehicle.
  • Failure to keep this information accurate may invalidate your policy and prevent you from accessing benefits in the event of a claim.
  • The best way to update your household resident information is to contact your agent and provide them with the information.
  • Alternatively, you may call Responsive Customer/Agent Service at (866) 300-0080, during normal business hours.
  • Lastly, when changing household resident information, please keep in mind that you may have access to different discounts.
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I moved, do I need to notify Responsive?
  • Yes. If you have moved, it is important to provide Responsive with the correct home address information as soon as possible.
  • This information is important because auto insurance rates are based on a variety of factors including the customer’s home address.
  • Failure to keep this information accurate may invalidate your policy and prevent you from accessing benefits in the event of a claim.
  • The best way to update your home/mailing address is to contact your agent and provide them with the information.
  • Alternatively, you may call Responsive Customer/Agent Service at (866) 300-0080, during normal business hours.
  • Lastly, please note that your mailing address should be the same as your home address.
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How do I change a vehicle listed in my policy?
  • You can change a vehicle listed on your policy by contacting your agent or by calling Responsive Agent/Customer Service at (866) 300-0080, during normal business hours.
  • This information is important because auto insurance rates are based on a variety of factors including the vehicle(s) listed on the policy.
  • Failure to keep this information accurate may invalidate your policy and prevent you from accessing benefits in the event of a claim.
  • When changing vehicle information, please keep in mind that you may have access to different discounts.
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How can I cancel my policy?
  • If you need to cancel your policy, please contact your agent or call Responsive customer service at (866) 300-0080.
  • You will be asked to submit a letter, requesting cancellation. Your letter must include:
    • Named Insured’s name
    • Date of letter
    • Reason for cancellation
    • Date for cancellation
    • Your signature
  • You will also be asked to provide one of the following:
    • Proof of duplicate coverage
    • Tag surrender
  • Please submit your letter and documents to your Agent who sold your policy, or email to und@responsiveauto.com
  • Lastly, please keep in mind that Responsive, like all auto insurance companies, may charge a fee for processing a cancellation prior to the end of the policy term.
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How do I add or remove a driver?
  • You can change the drivers listed on your policy by contacting your agent or by calling Responsive Agent/Customer Service at (866) 300-0080, during normal business hours.
  • This information is important because auto insurance rates are based on a variety of factors including the listed drivers of your insured vehicle(s).
  • Failure to keep this information accurate may invalidate your policy and prevent you from accessing benefits in the event of a claim.
  • Lastly, when changing listed driver information, please keep in mind that you may have access to different discounts.
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2.2: Claims: Process, Benefits and Repairs 10 questions
I had an accident, where can I file my claim?
  • If you’ve been involved in an accident and need to file a claim, please call Responsive’s Claims department at (866) 300-0080, during our service hours listed below.
  • When you make this initial call, please be prepared with some important information:
    • The Responsive Auto Insurance Company Policy Number
    • Driver’s License
    • Police Report (if available)
  • To learn more about how to report a claim and the typical steps that Responsive takes to resolve a claim, please go to The Process.
  • Claims Department Service Hours
  • Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • Sunday: Closed
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I’m not at-fault, should I inform Responsive of the accident?
  • If you’ve been involved in an accident and believe you’re not at-fault, we recommend that you call Responsive’s Claims department at (866) 300-0080, during our service hours listed below.
  • Regardless of whether you’re injured or the extent of the damages to vehicles or property, the determination of fault is often disputed in auto accidents. We are here to advise and protect you in any way we can.
  • Also, if you are injured, please keep in mind the following:  By Florida Law, regardless of who is at-fault, to gain medical treatment benefits you must pursue a Personal Injury claim through your insurer under your Personal Injury Protection coverage.
  • To learn more about how to report a claim and the typical steps that Responsive takes to resolve a claim, please go to The Process.
  • Claims Department Service Hours
    • Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
    • Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    • Sunday: Closed
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I’ve never been in an accident, how does the Claims process work?
  • To learn more about how to report a claim and the typical steps that Responsive takes to resolve a claim, please go to The Process.
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I recently had an accident. Where can I get information on repair shops?
  • Once a claim has been opened with Responsive, your assigned adjuster can provide you with repair shop options that are available, including a convenient Preferred Shop location that guarantees the repairs.
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How do I know if I’m covered for a certain event?
  • Your policy coverages are summarized on your Declarations Page.  This document is commonly known as a “Dec Page.”
  • As soon as you purchase a policy from The Responsive Auto Insurance, you will receive your bound Application, Declarations Page and ID Cards from your agent. These documents will summarize what coverages, vehicles and drivers are listed on the policy.
  • If you do not have a copy of this information, please call Customer/Agent Service at (866) 300-0080, during normal business hours.
  • When reviewing your information, if you notice any missing or incorrect information, please contact your agent immediately.
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Can I access roadside assistance, even if I haven’t purchased that coverage?
  • We currently do not offer roadside assistance.
  • However, we do offer Towing coverage.
  • Towing coverage provides reimbursement of up to $75 for towing fees or road service costs after your vehicle has been disabled. There is a limit of 1 tow or road service per incident. There is no limit on the number of claims per year.
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Can I rent a car if I have an accident?
  • If you are a Responsive customer, your policy coverages, including Rental Car Reimbursement,  are summarized on your Declarations Page. This document is commonly known as a “Dec Page.”
  • In the event of that your vehicle is disabled due to a Collision situation (not including mechanical failure, breakdown, or maintenance issues that cause a vehicle to be disabled), your Rental Coverage will reimburse you with $20 per day for up to 10 days, for expenses incurred by you in obtaining a substitute vehicle for your insured vehicles.


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Do I receive a rental car?
  • If you are a Responsive customer, your policy coverages, including Rental Car Reimbursement,  are summarized on your Declarations Page. This document is commonly known as a “Dec Page.”
  • In the event of that your vehicle is disabled due to a Collision situation (not including mechanical failure, breakdown, or maintenance issues that cause a vehicle to be disabled), your Rental Coverage will reimburse you with $20 per day for up to 10 days, for expenses incurred by you in obtaining a substitute vehicle for your insured vehicles.
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What if there is additional damage?
  • If you discover additional damage, please call Claims Service at (866) 300-0080, during Claims service hours.
  • The Repair Shop will request a supplemental inspection for the additional damages found that were not visible on the original Estimate. A supplemental Estimate will be performed by an appraiser.
  • The supplemental Estimate will be sent to an adjuster that will coordinate with the body shop for payment on the additional damages found. Your adjuster will update you on the findings and update you on the new estimate time of completion.
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Can Responsive pay the body shop directly?
  • Yes, it is possible for Responsive to pay the repair shop directly.
  • You may contact your adjuster during normal Claims service hours to arrange authorization to pay the repair shop directly.
  • At that time, your adjuster will request that you sign an authorization form.
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